Friday, January 25, 2008

Sedu Beauty Tips #4 Low Cost beauty Tips

Low Cost Beauty and Sedu Beauty Tips

Celebrities spend a fortune on Beauty now days, with the recent news that Cherie Blaire spends over £250 on her hair cut, you start to wonder whether we can ever compete. A perfectly sculpted body and radiant glow are often the result of dedication, time and a lot of money. "If you had a personal trainer, a chef, a stylist and an esthetician, you'd look that good too," says Toronto-based Cheryl Gushue, 37, who has worked in the fashion industry as a hair and makeup artist for 14 years. But the average person doesn't need a personal entourage or big bucks to lavish on themselves. Gushue offers several practical tips for looking like a star while on a budget.

"The average British woman spends about £75 a month on skin, body and haircare products and only a half-hour a day on her beauty routine. She needs advice that will keep her costs down and not be too demanding on her time," says Gushue. Many celebrities swear by the spa for healthy, radiant skin. But do-it-yourself at-home hydrotherapy treatments can have the same effect without spending $200 a pop. When you're in the shower, switch from hot water (as hot as you can tolerate) to cold water for 15 seconds, then back to hot. "It revitalizes the skin and stimulates blood flow throughout the body," says Gushue. The best time to moisturize your body is when you're just stepping out of the shower and your pores are still open. Gushue says a lot of Hollywood celebs are using quality ingredients like sea kelp on their skin. "It detoxifies and is highly moisturizing due to the chlorophyll in it," she says. At a spa, you'll pay over $100 for a sea kelp treatment, but you can get the same effect by buying Lubriderm lotion enriched with sea kelp at the drugstore for $10. "Effective doesn't have to be expensive. You just need to know where to look in the drugstore aisle," says Gushue. She also recommends drinking glasses of hot water with a slice of lemon to aid in removing toxins from the body. "When you're not cleansing from within it shows on the skin," she says. Her other tips include: - For healthy, strong and shiny tresses, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially the ones with lots of colour. They're the ones with all of the vitamins. - When you get out of the shower don't brush your hair right away because it can break. Use a wide-tooth comb and work from the ends up. - When blow-drying, press the "cold" shot to cool off your hair before it goes under the brush. This prevents breakage. - Massage your scalp. It will speed up the blood flow and bring nutrients to the roots of the hair, stimulating growth. - Drink eight glasses of water a day. If you can't remember, wear a digital watch with a timer to remind you or carry a big water bottle with you and keep filling it up. - Eat smaller meals more frequently. It's better for digestion. Never go grocery shopping when you're hungry. - Download fitness tips for your MP3 player at Then you'll have a personal trainer in your pocket wherever you go. Madonna may spend $9,300 a month on her personal chef and $49 a day on seven bottles of blessed Kabbalah water, said Gushue. But the average Jane can make easy, smart choices concerning personal upkeep that will give her celebrity results. "My tips are about achieving natural beauty and health. When you have that you will always feel more confident," she says.

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